Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal)
Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal)
Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal)
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8-0143 - Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal) New!
Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal)
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Accuracy < ±15.00 µrad
Resolution: up to 13.316 µrad
Maximum velocity: 1500rpm
Direct drive zero backlash system
High resolution non-contact optical incremental encoder
Integrated magnetic brake for safe operation
Long life performance guaranteed
All measurement reports are included by default!
Cables can be customized for different OEM electronics

Torque Motor Based Gimbal Stage of series 8-0143 are based on 3 phase rotary brushless servo motor technology. BLDC technology allow user to reach motion with high accuracy, repeatability, motion stability and low-friction. In order to proof precision of stage and imitate working condition, Standa provides measurement reports in both: disassembled and assembled conditions (if required with load of customer).

Rotary non-contact optical encoder as a feedback system guarantees direct control of position with subnanoradian resolution.

Naturally aged aluminum alloy guaranties high temperature stability, softness of 8-0143 instruments and excellent long period kinematics without drift of bearing. Compact crossed roller bearing provides perfect resistance to load in any direction.

Gimbal Stage of series 8-0143 can be prepared for clean rooms and vacuum up to 10-3 Torr with small changes. For higher vacuum please contact Standa. Additional requirement of cleanliness could be requested separately.

Gimbal stage can be easily connected to standard imperial/metric optical table directly. Stages also can be combined with the linear axes to supply entire 4 axes fabrication setup. 8-0143 can be equipped with pneumatic COLLET HOLDER 8MRLP120 for fabrication application. 15mm clear aperture is available in default configuration.

Motion control of 8-0143 series translation stages is available with Standa or ACS motion Controllers & Drivers in exposed or housed configurations.

For industry applications 8-0143 stages can be supplied mounted on standard optical table, horizontal XY stage or extremely flat granite plate. 8-0143 stages have no active or passive protection from dust, therefore external dust protection must be applied in dusty environment.


Model 8-0143
Axis Tilt (A) Axis Yaw (B) Axis
Kinematics & Feedback information
 Angular Range, deg ±130 ±360 (infinite)
 Encoder Type Optical
 Encoder Model LEN2
 Encoder Resolution 1), arcsec 0.023 to 0.184
 Encoder Interface Differential RS422 or analog SIN/COS
 Internal Multiplier YES (optionally analog SIN/COS)
 Multiplication factor 4-200 (on demand)
 Encoder Grating Period, µm 20
 Reference Mark (Index) Yes
 Absolute Accuracy 2)
  Before Calibration, µrad / arcsec ±218 / ±45.00
  After Calibration, µrad / arcsec ±14.54 / ±3.00
 Uni-Directional Repeatability, µrad / arcsec N/A
 Bi-Directional Repeatability (peak to peak) 2), µrad / arcsec ±7.30 / ±1.50
 Bi-Directional Repeatability (RMS) 2), µrad / arcsec ±2.90 / ±0.60
 Eccentricity 3), µm ±5.00
 Wobble 3), µrad / arcsec ±19.40 / ±4.00
 Maximum Velocity (no load, @300VDC) 4), deg/s / RPM <9000 / 1500
 Maximum Acceleration (no load) 5), deg/s2 / kRPM/s2 108000 / 18
 Maximum torque (continuous)5), Nm 5.4
 Limits Switches N/A
Load, Guiding & Transmission Information
 Design Type Torque Motor (Direct-Drive)
Two-Axis Rotation (Gimbal) Stage
 Motor Model TM1
 Motor Design Type Torque Motor
 Maximum Bus Voltage, VDC <320
 Load Capacity (Centrally Placed) 6)
  Horizontal, kg 1
  Vertical, kg 1
 Moving Mass 7), kg 6.6 1.55
 Guiding System Crossed roller bearings
Material & Environment Conditions
 Housing Material Aluminum Alloy
 Housing Coating (Finish) Black Anodizing
 Environment Pressure Normal Atmosphere
 Operating Temperature, °C 20±2
Control, Communication and Cabling
 Recommended Controllers 8) ACS Products Line or 8SMC5-USB series
 Recommended Drivers 8) ACS Products Line or 8SMC5-USB series
 Recommended Power Supply 9) 2 phase / 3 phase source
 Recommended Communication Interface 11) EtherCAT / RS232 / USB / TCP-IP
 Cable Length, m 2 (other by request)
 Differential Outputs 10) On request
Accessories Information
 Base Plate for Mechanical Interface Not required
Additional Details
 Magnetic Brake Yes No
 Dimensions of Moving Platform Ø, mm 90
 Central Aperture Ø, mm N/A 15
 Overall Linear Stage Dimensions (W x L x H), mm 149 x 349 x 161 (entire system)
 Measurement System Metric / Imperial (Base)
 RoHS Compliant
 Weight, kg 12.3 (entire system)

1) System can be delivered with standard analog SIN/COS encoder interface for personal interpolation or with integrated external interpolator (up to x200)

2) Absolute accuracy & Bi-Directional Repeatability, Wobble measurements processed by 11D-ALI-COL electronic autocollimator. Stages can be assembled with additional precision Please contact Standa for more information.

3) Eccentricity is measured by Zygo Michelson interferometer.

4) Maximum Velocity is electrically limited by encoder and driver CUT-OF frequency (125kHz in analog interface; 50MHZ in RS422 digital interface); maximum velocity is also limited by bearing.

5) Maximum Torque is limited by Drivers` Peak Current, Motors` Peak Current and External Load (inertia). Please contact Standa for explanation.

6) Load Capacity is limited by position of load. Please contact Standa for loading calculation.

7) Moving Mass is constant parameter of system which characterize m0 or inertia of unloaded system.

8) Recommended controllers & Recommended drivers can be optimized for a certain application. Please contact Standa for recommendation.

9) Recommended power supply depends on required duty cycle and load. Please contact Standa for recommendation.

10) Differential Outputs are available in passive (buffered) or active (modulated) way with LCMv2.

11) Scalar Control can be implemented with USB/ TCP-IP / RS-232 communication interface; for vector control we recommend to use EtherCAT.

Ordering Information
Model Description  
8-0143 Direct drive rotary tilt table
with pneumatic collet holder
8-0157 Direct drive rotary tilt table
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