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Special Offers
Optical Tables & Breadboards from Stock with Discount
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Manufactured in Lithuania (EU)
Offer is valid till 30.11.2024.
New Products
STA-01-7-OEM - Q-Switched Nd:YAG Micro Laser
Q-Switched Nd:YAG Micro Laser
8MLAM126V - Large Aperture Optical Mirror Mounts for Vacuum
Large Aperture Optical Mirror Mounts for Vacuum For optics Ø: 6", 7", 8", 235 mm. Two axis angular tilt range from ±1.5° to ±3°. For up to 10-6 Torr. High precision.
8MRL80, 8MRLP80 - Compact Direct Drive Rotary Tables
Compact Direct Drive Rotary Tables Accuracy: < ±3.00 arcsec; clear aperture - 5mm; high velocity;
8MTL20XY-R - 3-Axis Micro-Positioning System (High Precision Linear-Rotary Stage)
3-Axis Micro-Positioning System (High Precision Linear-Rotary Stage) 20 x 20 mm linear & 360° rotary motion ranges. Low-profile, high speed.
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