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STANDA in Lithuania
STANDA P.BOX 2684 , 03001 Vilnius 9 P.O., Lithuania
Phone +370 5 2651474, Fax +370 5 2651483
E-mail: sales@standa.LT
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Combined / Hybrid
Beam Expanders
10BE01 - Beam Expanders

High energy laser beam expansion with ration of 2.5X or 5X and focusing range 2 m to infinity

Fixed Magnification Laser Beam Expanders
10BE02 - Fixed Magnification Laser Beam Expanders

Series of fixed expansion ratio laser beam expanders from 2x to 12x

Variable Zoom Laser Beam Expanders
10BE03 - Variable Zoom Laser Beam Expanders

Series of adjustable expansion ratio laser beam expanders from 2x to 12x

Ultra-Fast Motorised Laser Beam Shutter
10FBS - Ultra-Fast Motorised Laser Beam Shutter

Galvanomagnetic scanner based technology enables ultra-high shutting speed. Various customizations are available for everyone's needs.

Custom Fiber Collimators
12HP02 - Custom Fiber Collimators

OEM. Excellent beam quality. Low wavefront distortion. For medicine, industry and research

Laser Beam Steering
10LBS - Laser Beam Steering

For precise laser beam steering and routing

Steel Optical Rail System
10ORS6 - Steel Optical Rail System

Set of useful inter-compatible mechanical elements

Laser Beam Profile Converters
10PS12_12 - Laser Beam Profile Converters

Extremely efficient, Compact design suitable for scientific and industrial applications, Basic models suitable for high peak power pulse lasers, Long working distance

Beam Profile Shaper
10PS6_6 - Beam Profile Shaper

Extremely efficient,Achromatic for design wavelengths, Compact design suitable for scientific and industrial applications, Long working distance

Focal Beam Profile Shapers
10PSF9 - Focal Beam Profile Shapers

Extremely efficient, Easy adjustment, Compact design, Capability to work with scanning mirrors

Motorized Variable Laser Attenuator
10MVAA - Motorized Variable Laser Attenuator

Designed to control emission flux of lasers and incoherent monochromatic sources -both in broadband spectral (200÷2400 nm) and large dynamic range (>60dB) of attenuation

Laser Beam Attenuator
10PMA-1 - Laser Beam Attenuator

Does not affect laser output power stability, Optical wedges eliminate ghosting and multiple reflections interference

Closed Variable Wheel Attenuator
10CWA168 - Closed Variable Wheel Attenuator

Stray light fully eliminated Variable height of the optical axis Three mounting holes

Motorised Variable Wheel Attenuator
10MWA168 - Motorised Variable Wheel Attenuator

2 wheels contain 8 filters each. Optical axis can be set anywhere in a contiguous range. 200 fixed positions per wheel.

Motorized Laser Beam Attenuator
10MAPF3 - Motorized Laser Beam Attenuator

User-friendly software interface, Simple text-based communication protocol, Divides laser beam into two parallel beams of adjustable intensity ratio, Negligible beam deviation

Motorized Beam Expanders
10MBE - Motorized Beam Expanders

Aberration minimized design, Plug & play solution, Suitable for ultrafast picosecond and femtosecond lasers, Optional adjustable mounting interface

Variable Filter Attenuator
10VFA - Variable Filter Attenuator

For 1" (25.4 mm) and 2" (50.8 mm) optics

Variable Wheel Attenuator
10WA168 - Variable Wheel Attenuator

4 wheels contain 4 filters each. Clear aperture Ø18 mm.

Variable Attenuator/Beamsplitter
10APF - Variable Attenuator/Beamsplitter

Combined Half Waveplate with a Polarizing Beamsplitter.

Continuously Variable Attenuator / Beamsplitter
10APF3-1CVAB - Continuously Variable Attenuator / Beamsplitter

Consists of 2 high-performance polarizing optics components. Divides laser beam into two beams of manually adjustable intensity ratio

Variable Attenuator for Femtosecond laser pulses
10APF3-1CVAF - Variable Attenuator for Femtosecond laser pulses

Continuously Variable. Divides laser beam into two parallel beams of manually adjustable intensity ratio

Optical elements, aids
Beam Splitter Cube
10BC68-1 - Beam Splitter Cube

Free of multiple interference fringes. Virtually undistorted attenuation.

Filters, Pinholes, Objectives, Diaphragms
Iris Diaphragms
10IB - Iris Diaphragms

For controlling the focal length of an optical system or for adjusting the diameter of a beam

Iris Diaphragm Mount
10IB - Iris Diaphragm Mount

Stand-alone iris mounts used in 10IB-M mounted irises

Microscope Objectives
10MO - Microscope Objectives

We offer various objectives with different numerical apertures, focal lengths and magnification.

Adjustable Optical Slits
10AOS10-1, 10MAOS10-1 - Adjustable Optical Slits

10 mm travel with 1µm accuracy, manual or motorized

Mounted Iris Diaphragms
10IB-M - Mounted Iris Diaphragms

10IB Iris Diaphragms with special fast and easy mounting solution Motorized Iris Diaphragms

Microscope Objectives
10MO - Microscope Objectives

(Obsolete) We offer various objectives with various numerical aperture, focal lengths, working distances and magnification.

Precision Pinholes
10PP - Precision Pinholes

For diffraction experiments, alignment purposes, projection applications

Precision Spatial Filter
10SF130 - Precision Spatial Filter

3-axis adjustment with micrometers. Accommodates virtually any microscope objective. Easy pinhole removal and replacement.

Special Offers
Optical Tables & Breadboards from Stock with Discount
Fast delivery
Great selection of sizes from stock
Manufactured in Lithuania (EU)
Offer is valid till 30.11.2024.

Standa is having a continuous sale of discontinued products and stock overflow. New products for sale are added regularly.

Visit our sale page!

New Products
8MLAOM-1200 - Large Aperture Optical Mirror Gimbal Mount (Motorized, 2-Axis)
Large Aperture Optical Mirror Gimbal Mount (Motorized, 2-Axis) Designed for ≤1200 mm aperture optical mirrors
8-0169 - Rotating Multi-Axis Precision Positioning System
Rotating Multi-Axis Precision Positioning System
8MTL120XY - Planar XY Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings)
Planar XY Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings) 120x120 mm travel range, accuracy: ± 0.5 µm; low-profile,
FBC1LD - Laser Diode Driver
Laser Diode Driver
8MTL20XY-R - 3-Axis Micro-Positioning System (High Precision Linear-Rotary Stage)
3-Axis Micro-Positioning System (High Precision Linear-Rotary Stage) 20 x 20 mm linear & 360° rotary motion ranges. Low-profile, high speed.
8MTL165-300 - Precision Linear Stage
Precision Linear Stage 300 mm travel range; for loads up to 50 kg; dust & spray protection
STA-01-7-OEM - Q-Switched Nd:YAG Micro Laser
Q-Switched Nd:YAG Micro Laser
8MLAM126V - Large Aperture Optical Mirror Mounts for Vacuum
Large Aperture Optical Mirror Mounts for Vacuum For optics Ø: 6", 7", 8", 235 mm. Two axis angular tilt range from ±1.5° to ±3°. For up to 10-6 Torr. High precision.
5GTM-1 - 4-Axis Optical Mount: 2-Axis Gimbal, XY Translation
4-Axis Optical Mount: 2-Axis Gimbal, XY Translation ±4° angular range; ±2 mm precise XY linear displacement; lockable.
8-0165 - Tilting Rotary Table (High Speed & Precision, Direct Drive Motors)
Tilting Rotary Table (High Speed & Precision, Direct Drive Motors)
8MIDV - Vacuum Compatible Motorized Iris Diaphragms
Vacuum Compatible Motorized Iris Diaphragms
8MTLF300XY - XY Planar Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings)
XY Planar Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings) 300x300 mm travel range
8MT200XY - XY Positioning Stage (Planar)
XY Positioning Stage (Planar) 200x200 mm travel range; stepper or BLDC motors, rotary & linear encoders.
8MVT45-13 - Vertical Precision Motorized Stage: "Compact Z-Axis Positioner"
Vertical Precision Motorized Stage: 13 mm travel, 3.5 kg load capacity, 10 mm/s max. speed, 40x50 mm footprint.
8MTLF250XY - Open Frame XY Linear Stages (Planar / Gantry, Direct-Drive, Mechanical-Bearings)
Open Frame XY Linear Stages (Planar / Gantry, Direct-Drive, Mechanical-Bearings) 250x250 mm travel range
And More...
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