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Special Offers
Optical Tables & Breadboards from Stock with Discount
Fast delivery
Great selection of sizes from stock
Manufactured in Lithuania (EU)
Offer is valid till 30.11.2024.
New Products
8MTL120XY - Planar XY Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings)
Planar XY Linear Stage (Direct-Drive Motors, Mechanical Bearings) 120x120 mm travel range, accuracy: Ā± 0.5 Āµm; low-profile,
8MTTR75-3 - 4-Axis Motorized Tilt Platform (Compact Alignment Stage)
4-Axis Motorized Tilt Platform (Compact Alignment Stage)
Micro Stages - Multi-Axis Assemblies of Miniature Motorized Positioners
Multi-Axis Assemblies of Miniature Motorized Positioners
8-0143 - Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal)
Direct Drive Rotary Tilt Table (Gimbal) With integrated pneumatic collet chuk
And More...
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